Amendment of Constitution


Amendment of Constitution

238.Amendment of Constitution

Subject to this Part, the Constitution may be amended by Act of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).

239.Constitution Amendment Bill

(1) A Bill to amend the Constitution may originate in either House and, when the Bill has been passed by the votes of not less than two- thirds of the total membership of the House, it shall be transmitted to the other House.

(2) If the Bill is passed without amendment by the votes of not less than two- thirds of the total membership of the House to which it is transmitted under clause (1), it shall, subject to the provisions of clause (4), be presented to the President for assent.

(3) If the Bill is passed with amendment by the votes of not less than two- thirds of the total membership of the House to which it is transmitted under clause (1), it shall be reconsidered by the House in which it had originated, and if the Bill as amended by the former House is passed by the latter by the votes of not less than two- thirds of its total membership it shall, subject to the provisions of clause (4), be presented to the President for assent.

(4) A Bill to amend the Constitution which would have the effect of altering the limits of a Province shall not be presented to the President for assent unless it has been passed by the Provincial Assembly of that Province by the votes of not less than two- thirds of its total membership.

(5) No amendment of the Constitution shall be called in question in any court on any ground whatsoever.

(6) For the removal of doubt, it is hereby declared that there is no limitation whatever on the power of the Majlis- e- Shoora (Parliament) to amend any of the provisions of the Constitution.

The Constitution of Pakistan

Table of Contents


Part I: Introductory [Articles 1-6]

Part II: Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy [Articles 7-40]

Chapter 1: Fundamental Rights [Articles 8-28]

Chapter 2: Principles of Policy [Articles 29-40]

Part III: The Federation of Pakistan [Articles 41-100]

Chapter 1: The President [Articles 41-49]

Chapter 2: Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) [Articles 50-89]

Chapter 3: The Federal Government [Articles 90-100]

Part IV: Provinces [Articles 101-140A]

Chapter 1: The Governors [Articles 101-105]

Chapter 2: Provincial Assemblies [Articles 106-128]

Chapter 3: The Provincial Governments [Articles 129-140A]

Part V: Relations between Federation and Provinces [Articles 141-159]

Chapter 1: Distribution of Legislative Powers [Articles 141-144]

Chapter 2: Administrative Relations between the Federation and Provinces [Articles 145-152]

Chapter 3: Special Provisions [Articles 152A-159]

Part VI: Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits [Articles 160-174]

Chapter 1: Finance [Articles 160-165A]

Chapter 2: Borrowing and Audit [Articles 166-171]

Chapter 3: Property, Contracts, Liabilities and Suits [Articles 172-174]

Part VII: The Judicature [Articles 175-212B]

Chapter 1: The Courts [Article 175]

Chapter 2: The Supreme Court of Pakistan [Articles 176-191]

Chapter 3: The High Courts [Articles 192-203]

Chapter 3A: Federal Shariat Court [Articles 203A-203J]

Chapter 4: General Provisions Relating to the Judicature [Articles 204-212B]

Part VIII: Elections [Articles 213-226]

Chapter 1: Chief Election Commissioner and Elections Commissions [Articles 213-221]

Chapter 2: Electoral Laws and Conduct of Elections [Articles 222-226]

Part IX: Islamic Provisions [Articles 227-231]

Part X: Emergency Provisions [Articles 232-237]

Part XI: Amendment of Constitution [Articles 238-239]

Part XII: Miscellaneous [Articles 240-280]

Chapter 1: Services [Articles 240-242]

Chapter 2: Armed Forces [Articles 243-245]

Chapter 3: Tribal Areas [Articles 246-247]

Chapter 4: General [Articles 248-259]

Chapter 5: Interpretation [Articles 260-264]

Chapter 6: Title, Commencement and Repeal [Articles 265-266]

Chapter 7: Transitional [Articles 267-280]

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